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Education for your child's Soul, Pt. 4
UNIQUE SENSITIVITY OF A CHILD'S MINDA child, according to Yoga, has their kleshas, their afflictions, in a dormant state. Because the ego and it's selfishness have not yet developed, there is a unique form of sensitivity that nature has given to a child.
*(this may simply be that children operate from slower brainwave states than most adults)
In practical dealings with children, parent must understand the sensitivity of the child's mind and realize how deeply every experience penetrates that mind. You remember clearly many things from your childhood days while things that happened a few years ago, or only a few days ago are forgotten. The mind of a child is extraordinarily sensitive. Its sensitivity is mystic.
*(at early stages children may not have basic problem solving & thinking capacities but rather feel energy & communication in and through their bodies, often times at a very cellular/soulular level)
Sometimes the child is reflecting even the things that you feel and think. You may be able to conceal many things from other grownup human beings. You can come from your office tense, tired, and filled with explosions within your mind. You can conceal all that when dealing with grownup people, but when you are sitting before children you are sitting before tiny sages. They perceive your inner state though you have not uttered a word. There is a radiation from you and children are more sensitive to that and they imbibe it. So, it is important that adults consider carefully the sensitivity of the mind of a child.
*(perhaps children are accessing information known through Delta brain wave frequency).
*In a Quantum Midwifery retreat in Sedona, AZ I learned that a child is in 'an altered state' until they are around 7 years of age. By 'altered state' I simply refer to the tendency & capacity of children to be navigating slower brain wave states as their default or 'normal' state of being.
In our every day lives, most adults are accessing primarily the frequency of Beta. Beta is our basic ''Get 'er Done'' state of being. However, pregnancy, birth, and parenting are all experiences that give women (and men) access to and practice navigating the spectrum of brain wave states.
I've found that a simple understanding and languaging of the brain wave frequencies allows my clients to more gracefully approach pregnancy, birth, parenting, and partnering....as well as their own personal growth.
The brainwaves of beta, alpha, theta & delta:
Beta - The here and now. Alert. Articulate. List Making. Beta are the brainwaves we use to navigate and negotiate everyday life.
Alpha - Relaxed detached awareness. Day Dreaming. Alpha provides the lucidity and vividness of our imagery. Alpha is considered the 'gateway' between conscious and unconscious.
Theta - Deep meditation. Personal Knowing. Stillness. Theta are the brainwaves produced by the subconscious mind. Theta is where we make our strongest spiritual connection. Theta is also the place where healing most readily enters our being.
Delta - The unconscious mind. Deep restorative sleep. Intuition. Instincts. Delta offers a true sense of inner knowing and psychic awareness. Delta allows us to glean information that isn't available on a conscious level. Provides access to universal psyche. (Whereas Theta provides insights from the depth our our personal experience).
As a conscious parent, how can a reference point to this practical wisdom facilitate a more graceful way of being with your child and yourself?
How can this wisdom assist you in creating a bridge of awareness between self, child, and the larger world?
'Education of your child's Soul - A Yogic perspective' is a seven part series authored by Swami Jyotirmayananda which was originally published in 'Light of Consciousness-Journal of Spiritual Awakening. Volume 20.
Though the School of Sentient Birth and Krmel Mystery School do not subscribe to any one school of thinking, we are seeded in the knowing that "the subject of educating of children is very vital because the future of mankind-culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime--depends upon the way the way children (and all peoples) are educated."
We invite you to join us tomorrow for See Through Your Childs Eyes, part 5 of this 7 part blog series.
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