Education for Your Childs Soul - A Yogic Perspective, Part 2
Today we enjoy part 2 of a 7 blog series which invites the exploration of Soul Level Education for our children, and ourselves, based on Yogic thought.
Though Krmel Mystery School and the School of Sentient Birth are not affiliated with any one school of thought, we are seeded in the deep knowing that 'the education of children is very vital because the future of mankind - culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime depends upon the way children (and all peoples) are educated.'
These writings were originally featured in 'Light of Consciousness; Journal of Spiritual Awakening' Vol. 20 and are written by Swami Jyotirmayananda.
As you are reading you will occasionally encounter an * followed either directly or soon after by sharings in parenthesis. This is simply for the purpose of sharing a thought or posing an inquiry that is applicable to Sentient Birth Consciousness.
Education of your Childs Soul Part 2:
Firstly one must have the philosophical understanding that children are spirits in the process of repeated embodiment and it is on the basis of the Law of Karma that parents draw certain souls within their family. So, a child's coming to a home is not an accidental development. It is backed up by a law. The spirit of the child needs an environment that will fulfill the demands of its karma. Accordingly, the parents have been arranged by nature's laws. So in a way the child is the (parent of the adult). It is (s)he who selected the parents through whom (s)he is born.
*According to Yogic thought, a child is learning even when (s)he is within the mother's womb. Even then the child is receiving impressions. So in Yogic culture a mother with child is given an abundance of good association, satsanga. She is careful about where she goes, the thoughts she entertains in her mind, even the pictures she sees. Parents can mold their children through the environment of impressions.
On the other hand, you must realize you are not creating the child. The child has been drawn to you on the basis of karma. Whatever you do is in the fitness of the karmic law. At the same time this does not imply that you simply relax and follow your whims in the name of the Law of Karma. **
*(Are a child's environment and belief systems being set up as early as preconception?)
**(This feels like a Self Mastery piece. As a conscious parent, how does one discover and honor their child's unique life path & cultivate an environment that supports their child's karmic journey appropriately?)
*(Are a child's environment and belief systems being set up as early as preconception?)
**(This feels like a Self Mastery piece. As a conscious parent, how does one discover and honor their child's unique life path & cultivate an environment that supports their child's karmic journey appropriately?)
Join us tomorrow for Education for Your Childs Soul - Part 3
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YES we are co creating this birthing life through the mystery, YES a childs environment and belief systems are being set up as early as preconception, YES we can support, nurture, and create the environment that will support our childs unique path!...when i was twenty five i found myself pregnant and unhappy that i was being faced with this choice. Everyone told me I was magic and magic would happen for me and my baby. My main reason for not being "ready" was that I knew that my partner was very far away from wanting a child and I didn't not want to go into this life decision with someone in this place. I didn't want to do it alone, I wanted to do it in Love and with someone. So we choose not to have that child. In my grieving a close friend took me in close one day and said to me softly and clearly "that childs spirit knew before they came that it wasn't coming through like that, it came for you and your partner to learn something very important for your paths." Those words were honey in my heart.
ReplyDeleteI asked spirit to guide me in my release. I went back to the land I grew up on with my mom, dad, and brother, we left this wonderful piece of my childhood development when i was 9 years old and didn't look back. It is a extremely rural piece of property in Northern California. I remembered vaguely how to get there from remembering the road we lived on because i had quite a time getting the 8 miles to the bus in the morning before my hour and a half ride to school! I followed my heart back to this place, i walked in the 2 mile dirt driveway, with my partner at the time. As we neared the house a man came out to see what these two hippies were doing in his driveway. I explained to him that I came to this land immediately after being born and spent a good part of my childhood here and wanted to come back to see it. Everything was pretty much the same as it was 20 years ago, except for the 200 broken down Fiats scattered about. I asked if it would be ok if we walked down to the creek. I have so many memories of my wanders on that land as a child the swimming hole stories are vivid. So we wandered down the path, exactly as I’ve always seen it in my mind.
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ReplyDeleteFirst thing we did was take off our clothes and cool off, it was June and it was well over 100% in the dry oakland savannah of norcal. Then my partner wandered off and I sat on the edge of the water by myself. I let my self sink in to being there and I asked “ok so why did you bring me out here”? And I just sat there with my breath. Time passed and I got in the water and swam to the bottom of the swimming hole. A flood of childhood memories rushed my mind and I saw all the things the land had taught me here and how my vision was created here. I got out of the water and sat in a squat naked on the waters edge. I cried for a long time and I felt this weird feeling in my body and I looked down and saw a big clot of blood below me, it was the finally purge of the life that had been in me. I picked it up and put it in the creek and said a prayer, “thank you for coming to me and blessing me, I am so grateful to you”. I was crying and feeling it for real. With all my heart and soul I then said “may the river of Love bring you back to me some day, I will hold you close and let you lead me whereever we may”.
Its really hard to write a story like this down.
We left the creek, thanked the people that lived there, and walked back out the driveway. We had a wonderful drive back to my parents, we were housesitting while they were away. We saw Horned Larks on the way home and had some really great BBQ and beer. Inside myself I felt clear and I had listened to what I had asked for “to be guided through this release”. My life continued and I went forward in Love.
The message i received through my grieving was that I actually was ready to give birth to my indigo child and i was ready to call in the divine partner who would share in this conception and create a life together that would support this child to be who it came here to be. I held on to my relationship for a little too long, but when it was done, it was done. I had another ritual. I cried and called it in. Three days after my ritual of letting my old partner go and calling in a beLoved partner and beautiful man, I was standing in my garden looking into the eyes of my beLoved and I knew it. It scared the shit out of me. I thought I was going to be a strong powerful SINGLE woman, at least for a year or so, nope that wasn’t happening this time.
...above continued
ReplyDeleteI met my BeLoved in the early summer of 2006, we made a committment to each other at the end of that summer. The following summer we got pregnant and made a REAL committment to each other, our family, and our vision. We did not plan our pregnancy, we were waiting, but our son’s spirit definitely caught us off guard one night, and it only takes once ya know. Holy Shit I was pregnant and and this time I knew it was coming through. It took me a good while to surrender to this reality, I was quite attached to my independent woman lifestyle and who was this guy anyway? I drank pennyroyal tea the first few days after I found out I was pregnant. Can’t we do this next year? Its too soon, what about, what if, how can we, all these unanswerable questions swarmed me. It didn’t matter though, this spirit wasn’t going out easy and it was letting me know. I surrendered and I let myself really just settle into the changes those first two months. I made a lot of dramatic shifts all at once. I moved away from my quiet creekside yurt, on a beautiful farm, with my 5 girlfriends. I moved in with my guy, who I Loved, but living with a guy compared to your sisters is a whole different world. I moved into a isolated valley in the hills of the country with population 1500, away from a bustling hip city with lots of music, art, and always something cool and fun to get in to. I had something growing inside of me, it wasn’t just me anymore. There were more changes, but I’ll save that for when we have tea sometime. Point is BIG CHANGES all at once, makes for a crazy 5 planet scorpio woman! Of course its the only way I do things, well then it was.
Ok, I’m getting to the point of this LONG story. And it could continue to be long, but I’m going to paraphrase from here. From the beginning of my pregnancy I was pretty sure our birth would be a little rogue. For one, I knew I was having my baby at home, my mom had beautiful births at home and I would do the same. I didn’t grow up with doctors at all, so they are not a comfort or safety for me, in fact they are the opposite. Well there were not any midwifes at the time who would come out to us, we were two hours from the hospital and it was a long drive to get there from anywhere. So I took a eight week intensive midwifery course with my sister in law, who happened to find herself knocked up at exactly the same time. We share the same name, we are soul sisters and our sons are soul brothers. How did these two crazy brothers (our partners) knock up two honky white girls with the same name at the same time???
Elizabeth Davis gave us the shakedown and it was up to us to take it from there. My sister ended up having me, two other women, and her partner at her birth. I labored for 24 hours with my BeLoved and my girlfriend as a doula and birthed our baby on the family land, in the house my partner grew up in, in our bedroom, in the tub, no tares, pure cosmic source shooting through. Our birth had absolutely NO INTERVENTIONS, it was exactly what our son needed it to be, if you meet him someday, you’ll understand(thats a whole other story)
...above continued....
ReplyDeleteOk getting to the point...this land where we had our baby, is a commune my partners mom started thirty years ago and is in a trust. The commune doesn’t really exist anymore, but the vision certainly continues to reside in the land. The valley is nestled along a beautiful abundant river. This valley is on the westside, at the foot of a magnificent mountain range and wilderness. On the otherside, the eastside, at the foot, is that property I grew up on, the land where I made those prayers. Remember that creek, well if you follow it, it connects to another creek, and then another, and eventually, it connects to the river nestled along our valley. The river we took our son in 4 weeks after he was born and blessed him with the water. The river I swim in every day.
What if I told you my BeLoveds name is Rio Illuminoso de San Valentine? The creek I made my release in is completely connected to the river we now live by, the same river my partner was birthed unassisted by.
Ok so the point, is that the energy I felt that day at the creek while in my grieving ritual, it was real, and that energy certainly did come back to me along down the River of Love, we live in the River of Love, literally. If I were to keep telling you the story I’d tell you how the spirit of our child and his presence in our lives has moved us to create a life that is exactly what he needs, what we need, and what our community needs. We have a outdoor program for young ones on the land, regularly our 3 year old son walks by himself home, he is naked, barefoot, and he comes in the door and says “I am soooo happy momma! I Love you!” We are doing it and we will keep doing it, however deep we must go, i mean grow:-) Hope this wasn’t too much, thank you.
Amazing story and I enjoyd reading it. I have one of my own that left me
ReplyDeletewith an awesome daughter,but I just don't have the energy to write about it just now. Thanks,it was a wonderful way to start my day..very much makes you wonder why you end up on certain FB sites reading particular stories. Please don't ever apologize for writing something from the heart..
who cares if it is long. It was a beautiful .