As you read you may occasionally encounter an* followed directly or shortly by insights in parenthesis. This is simply for the purpose of posing inquiries that support Sentient Birth Consciousness.
Education for your Child's Soul - Part 3
Why is a child so lovable to the parent? How can a tiny creature weighing just a few pounds capture their hearts, entrance their minds, involve all their energy? Why is it that the moment you see a little cub of a tiger or a lion, or any child of any species, the human mind develops such a sense of tenderness? What is the psychology behind it?
The answer, in brief, is that every human being wants to capture in his consciousness absolute tenderness, absolute beauty and harmony. That, of course, is God, the Divine Self. But since the urge for realizing the Self is very abstract, the complex mind is unable to understand that urge and nature must present various experiences in human life to promote its development. So, when parents love their child, in that love they are trying to capture the love of God. Your child reflects that God, That Divinity in it's simplicity and innocence.
When you understand how your child reflects your aspiration for becoming simple, symbolizing the goal you want to reach in life, you can develop an attitude of adoring the Divine Self in the child. This attitude however, should not interfere with your practical dealings with a child. *You must be able to separate your instinctive love from the objective needs of a child's growth. You should not make the child a tool of your love, nor become attached to and dependent on the form of the child to be happy. If you do so you will stunt their development and not let them grow up as they should. **Rather understand that a child exists as an independent personality and one day will walk out of your life as a bird that has wings will fly out of the nest.
*(As a parent, how have you been able to separate your instinctive love from the objective needs of a child's growth?)
**(How do you, as a parent, navigate the experience of a child existing as an independent personality, yet being such a deep reflection of the YourSelf?)
This seven part series is authored by Swami Jyotirmayanananda and was originally published in Light of Consciousness Journal of Spiritual Awakening.
Though the School of Sentient Birth and Krmel Mystery School are not affiliated with any one school of thought, we are seeded in the knowing that "the subject of educating children is very vital because the future of mankind-culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime--depends upon the way children (and all peoples) are educated."
Please join us tomorrow for the Unique Sensitivity of a Child's Mind. Part 4 of the 7 post blog series "Education for Your Child's Soul - A Yogic Perspective".
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