My name is Grace and I am the director of the School of Sentient Birth at Krmel Mystery School.
I am extremely interested in the threads of experience that weave the tapestry of who I am becoming. Having followed event threads back to my conception and birth stories I have gained tremendous insight and deep commitment to gather & share information which supports & inspires more loving and conscious birth environments.
Krmel Mystery School & the School of Sentient Birth are seeded in a deep understanding that 'the education of children is very vital because the future of mankind-culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime-depends upon the way children (and all peoples) are educated.'
We, you and I, are more than the physical human aspects we present to one another. In truth we are limitless creation energy vibrating at frequencies which align with our current state of consciousness. We are collectively creating according to our personal beliefs in every given moment. Even in utero we are becoming that which we are lead to believe is possible.
Perhaps we begin communicating 'what is so' to one another even before physical conception. To see ourselves, the children being born, and each other as Soul or Source Energy may allow us to inspire one another with the remembrance of who we are....who we really really are.
Education and in.formation is happening at every stage of life.
The following article (which Sentient Birth will share in 6 short readable parts) was written by Swami Jyotirmayananda and featured in Light Consciousness; Journal of Spiritual Awakening. Vol. 20. It lends insight to the importance of our birth environments by addressing the level and continuum of consciousness we cultivate and share with our children throughout their lives.
As you are reading you will occasionally encounter an * followed by impressions in parenthesis. This is simply for the purpose of sharing a thought or posing an inquiry that is applicable to Sentient Birth consciousness. Enjoy!
Part 1
Educating Children
The subject of educating children is very vital because the future of mankind-culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime-depends upon the way children are educated. Children grow up into adults and adults again become children in the process of karmic movement and its continuous cycles of birth and death.
Further, the test of a great culture is the art with which children are educated. If children stay frustrated in a society, if they undergo mental torture *(medical models of birthing), if they are not given normal circumstances for higher development and for understanding what is good and evil, then such a society is in a state of degradation. It is important therefore, to understand what type of attitudes parents must evolve toward their children, towards themselves, and towards their mutual education.
*Do you feel that in some cases the medical model of birthing may be considered mental torture, especially when one takes into consideration the highly sensitive level of consciousness that is the state of most new born babies? It's possible that much of what is considered 'procedure' in hospital births may actually be terrifying (and not necessary) for a newly born infant to experience. A very common example this is the physical separation of a newborn child from it's mother/parents for the purpose of testing or resting.
Sentient Birth appreciates your comments and insights. Feel free to contribute by sharing a comment here or offering this blog post to others who may be interested.
See tomorrows School for Sentient Birth blog to read:
Part 2
Love your blog. Your intentions are beautiful. I am turned off by the demonizing of what you call "the medical model". There are many (sometimes very loving, caring and conscious **and sometimes not**) varieties of what is practiced in hospitals. To generalize the big bad "medical model" as "mental torture" seems knee jerky and inconsiderate. The mainstream of parents trust and rely on the medical models they feel safe with... this blog post seems to point to "either/or" rather than "yes/and"...The question remains, how to welcome parents into the new (ancient) world of natural birth, from current medical models that may be more traumatic than necessary? If there is no bridge from "medical Model" to "natural birth" then these beautiful human centered birth practices may remain on the distrusted fringe of mainstream birthing.
ReplyDeleteSo many of us who were born in hospitals are complete, capable, healing beings. The journey to overcome/integrate and work with our own birth trauma has brought wisdom and multi-textured experience to this life. Yes trauma is DIFFICULT, and we heal, and that journey of healing from trauma is part of the richness that is our birthright. While we can do our best to avoid traumatic experience, we can also accept it as an opportunity to fall apart and pull ourselves back together as more whole, capable and accomplished beings. Maybe trauma is not the enemy.
Anonymous...Thank You so much for such honest and passionate feedback in regard to what was posed in this most recent blog. I appreciate your level of dialogue and your capacity for speaking your truth.
ReplyDeleteI believe that you are 'spot on', absolutely right when you imply that a current, compassionate, and truly conscious birthing model is a model that values and honors the birthing choices of any and ALL parents.
The intention of todays inquiry is not to demonize the 'medical model' or create an us -VS- them scenario. Rather, the QUESTION was posed to generate the sharing of opinions around our options and perceptions as a birthing culture.
Birth is perhaps one of THE most sensitive subjects. I want to affirm that all models of birth currently in existence have value. Birthing mothers and families are asking for a variety of options and experiences. Complete, capable, healing children ARE being born. Amazing lives are being lived! It IS as you shared "The mainstream of parents trust and rely on the medical models they feel safe with...". I hear and support this as a truth.
I am aware, as well, that many unconscious practices which are truly not necessary, prolong trauma based birth experiences for mothers, babies, and families. Though trauma CAN create a rich pallet of content for us to utilize for our bigger picture growth work, birth can also be trauma free.
"The journey to overcome/integrate and work with our birth trauma has brought WISDOM & multi-textured experience to this life." YES! Absolutely! I so appreciate this approach and expression. Thank you and me and everyone of us for doing our work. Thank us for finding our way with such rightness and perfection. Thank trauma for our natural and acquired resiliency! It IS THIS VERY WISDOM that (if we chose) we can NOW pay forward in support of present and future birth experiences.
Drawing the parallel between 'mental torture' and the 'medical model' evokes strong emotions and conversations through which to navigate. Although it is not necessarily my opinion or the hard fast views of Sentient Birth that the suggested parallel IS SO. I took a risk in posing that question for the sake of a deeper dialogue.
In all transparency I will share that I personally WOULD love for women and families to feel absolutely safe to birth at home (or wherever) 100% of the time. Obviously that is not the case in the majority of births today and I'm ok with that. The deeper truth for me is this...I feel that unconscious practices and liberties taken in ANY model of birthing by anyone can be unnecessarily traumatic and even devastating. So here is your point in practice...although this deeply saddens me it also inspires and in.forms my passion around the possibility of trauma free birth.
I agree that trauma is not the enemy. There is no enemy. Every experience is necessary in this collective tapestry we are co.weaving.
What I want to emphasize here is this: We ARE co.creating our birthing practices. Birth does not have to be 'business as usual.' We have cultivated wisdom and can make choices that positively shape the future of birth.
Is it possible that every woman/family could be supported in approaching birth in the way that feels truly rich, inspiring and totally RIGHT ON for them? I think so. I hope so.
I apologize if I have skipped over or not adequately heard any piece of your feedback in a way that feels mutually respectful. Again, I thank you for your generous expression. I feel nourished by the opportunity to hear and share in this way.
It is my hope that we all continue to speak what is true in our experience- as we build a bridge that allows us to meet in co.creation and shared recognition of this journey of birth that IS happening in every way image.in.able.
Thank you for your moving response. I see in your writing a firey passion, a committed clarity and most of all a compassion that can hold many views and realities at once. I am inspired by your mission, and pray that your harvest will be shared by many. You need not walk in fear, you need not stand alone.
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ReplyDeleteAnonymous...Thank You! I appreciate having the continual opportunity to explore what you speak of. It is important to articulate what is living in so many of us in regard to birthing options and the current state of birth. I hope you'll keep bringing your insights! So much to be learned through these shares!