Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Paradox of Birth

Birth has called me to stand within it's field and hold the space of probability.

What IS possible in the 'Birthmosphere', the thread of moments when the alchemy of all creation is present and birthing Spirit into Energized Conscious Matter?

My name is Grace.  I am the founder Krmel's School of Sentient Birth.

This very morning as I was awakening from dreamtime, there was a 'knowing' being 'folded' into my consciousness through gentle and deliberate wording. I received.. "Understand that birth is truly a paradox. It is both a Sacred Rite of Passage and an Ordinary Everyday Mundane Occurrence. Allow both to exist simultaneously".

There was feeling tone that carried this wording, a felt sense of calmness co.mingling with the absolute potential of creation.  

I'd love for us recognize birth (and everything really) as an expression of the Sacred Mundane, to culturally hold the mysteries of Birth with thriving curiosity and trust.

Let's try it. Today I invite you to weave Birth directly into your life.  
Assume that miracles will occur as common place today. 
Lean into and listen for the emptiness between the activities.
Remember that emptiness is full of potential, image.in what can be birthed from that place.  
Approach your 'not knowingness' as a Gift.  Be fearless.  

Birth is as natural as life, as common as breathing.  

Birth has become my inspired 'work' in the world.  I trust Birth completely, come what may....for I never 'know' what will arise in her presence.  Those elements of common mystery and power, for me, usher Birth in as MY GREATEST TEACHER!  
Throughout the inquiries of my daily life I am noticing and asking...
"How does this apply to birth?"  
"How can I be stronger or more supple here?"  
"How can I, as a birthing woman, meet the intensity of these feelings, this change?"  
"What lies just below the surface of this moment, from where is this originating?"  
"Can I stay present with the 'hugeness' of this life?"  

It's ALL in there, and it makes sense, to me, to call upon Birth daily. I just love her depth and the accessibility!
Consider, Birth is the one experience that every human alive on the planet has in common. 
We've ALL been there.  Birth is our sole/Soul shared reference point and lives in each one of us now.

Of what will Birth speak to you today?  I'd love to hear.

In Light,

Friday, September 16, 2011

I think it was John Lennon who said "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." Can you relate?  My name is Grace Murdock.  I am the director of the Krmel Mystery Schools School of Sentient Birth and I began featuring this seven post blog series quite some time ago.  In the midst of it all I've experienced LIFE  HAPPENING at a rather rapid pace.  Thank You for your patience in receiving the seventh post in this series.

Although Krmel Mystery School and the School of Sentient Birth do not subscribe to any one lineage or system of belief, we are aware that conscious education is a key factor in the awakening process of our truest inner knowing.  I was touched by much of what Swami Jyotirmayananda has to share here.

These writings were originally published in Light of Consciousness Magazine in Winter 2008.

Education for Your Childs Soul, A Yogic Perspective/Pt. 7

Spiritual Ideals should be given to children, but since people do not have a healthy understanding of the true meaning of spirituality, they often separate the spiritual from the material.  Therefore, you hear so much about the cruelty that occurs when children are trained to become everything that the parents are not.  Parents, finding in themselves many weaknesses that they cannot remove, want the child to be perfect, free from all those weaknesses.  This type of attempt to build perfection in others without bringing perfection within oneself is an erroneous movement.  Children are put into great trouble in the name of making them ethically perfect, training them to be pious, religious.

Religion is life lived in a healthy plane.  Religion is sincerity.  Religion is communion with love.  It is important not to adopt extreme measures in any direction and to provide conditions so that the children draw from themselves the inherent power with which they are born.  That is exactly the meaning of education.  Education is to draw out from yourself what you have.  For encouraging aspiration for greater things, all you need to do is awaken an interest in the child.  The moment a true interest is awakened, the child will follow that pursuit with intense concentration.

If a child develops an interest in Self-realization as the goal, he will start to read books that will help  him reach that goal.  Therefore, the art for parents is to plant in the child a profound interest then leave the child to peruse it.  Just guide here and there.  Do not go after every detail.  For parents to present higher thought patterns in the environment of their children, certain conditions must be present.  Firstly, the parents must have higher understanding themselves and be sincerely working towards their own evolution and personality integration.  Secondly, there must not be disharmony between the parents.  Thirdly, the parents must not seek too many amusements outside.  They must consider that the children provide for them an excellent panorama of experience and they in turn provide an interesting environment for the children.

Therefore, do not allow the children to just watch TV day and night.  It is a terrible defect in the present civilization that parents leave the children completely at the mercy of mechanized entertainment, and that children grow up cold, calculated and insensitive.  Therefore, they bring pain to their parents and pain to the society.  Rather, come in contact with the children by telling them stories and parables.  participate in their lives and come closer to their world.  Education is not limited to just training children how to write and read.  Education is sharing your life, allowing a child to imbibe vibrations which are necessary for his growth.

Bringing forth children, according to the Hindu tradition, is a powerful responsibility, a powerful Yoga.  If that responsibility is not understood, a person should not be a grihasta, a householder, and bring forth children he is not prepared to deal with.  On the other hand, if you know the art, you are promoting a Yoga. *(Union) Your doing good to the child enables you, in turn, to evolve faster.  You are not educating the child for the child's sake alone, but for your sake as well.  It is within the perspective of educating yourself that nature has provided a conjunction of a soul - the child - with you.

You must help the child unfold under your protection and guidance.  When children bloom into wonderful personalities, when they turn towards a life which in universal and truly healthy, and when they become enlightened sages, they benefit themselves, the parents, the forefathers, and the entire world.  That should be the goal of all education.


We at Krmel's School for Sentient Birth deeply appreciate and welcome your thoughts, intuitions, and perspectives.  Please leave a comment and DO SHARE THIS POSTING with friends and colleagues who may enjoy it's contents as well. 

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Spirit of Discipline

Welcome to the School of Sentient Birth. You are reading part six of a seven part blog series authored by Swami Jyotirmayananda and originally published in Light of Consciousness Magazine, winter 2008.

My name is Grace Murdock and I'm founder and director of the School of Sentient Birth. As I was retyping this article for the Sentient Birth blog today I noticed myself contracting and questioning some of the content and/or the wording of the content.

It certainly is powerful to observe how much the subject of 'disciplining children' brings up for people, perhaps because the result of how we were disciplined lives somewhere essentially in each of us.

While reading you may encounter an * followed immediately, or shortly after, by an italicized comment. This is simply to introduce a suggestion or inquiry that supports the exploration of Sentient Birth Consciousness.


Education for Your Childs Soul Pt. 6

Practical insight into how to train children must be gradually developed by the parents through experience. There cannot be set laws. Those people who read set laws from research books become like tinny computers, constantly looking into the books to find out exactly how they are going to react to a problem.

*Parents must build up an atmosphere of warmth and love and within that atmosphere firmness. Allow the children to taste the joy of your satisfaction when they have done well in meeting your healthy expectations. However, when they have not done something well they must also taste the bitterness of having made you dissatisfied. They long to please you and learn to enjoy promoting your satisfaction. That sensitive way in which children must be handled is the subject of profound understanding and the art of being firm in a healthy manner requires a special intelligence.

You should not allow the child to have their way all of the time. **You must train and discipline the child and your love for the child should not come in the way of that training. If a child gets into some wrong habits you must discipline them firmly, strongly. Even threats and little pats will do no harm. The children will appreciate your actions in the course of time.

Parents who are afraid that their children will leave them as they grow if they are firmly treated, have not developed deeper love for the children. If you are in a healthy relationship with your children, you will impress upon them the sincerity of your intentions to such an extent that even though you might have been very harsh at times, they will love you immensely.


*I so appreciate the foundation of firmness being rooted in an atmosphere of warmth and love. How did you experience being disciplined as a child? Do you feel that a balance was reached that effectively guided your growth?

**I am aware of my reaction to the 'word' training in regard to raising and parenting children. That being said, I do agree that guiding children requires certain habits to be 'tried on' and put into motion.

As well, I'm not sure how I feel about 'threats' as an aspect of parenting. Can we cultivate agreements and consequence?

What are your thoughts?


Though the School of Sentient Birth and Krmel Mystery School do not subscribe to any one school of thinking, we are seeded in the knowing that "the subject of educating of children is very vital because the future of mankind-culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime--depends upon the way children (and all peoples) are educated."

Join us soon for True Spiritual Education the seventh and last blog post in this seven part series titled Education for Your Child's Soul; a Yogic Perspective.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

See Through Your Childs Eyes

Blessings! Welcome to School of Sentient Birth blog.

Hopefully you are enjoying this 7 part blog series. I didn't make a lot of commentary on todays post but I would LOVE to hear what's moving through you in regard to what you read today. Please feel free to leave a comment.

Education of Your Child's Soul, Pt 5

Parents must also understand how the values of children are different from the values of grownup people. It becomes important for parents to develop sensitivity into children's psychology. Not through academic learning, but on the basis of spontaneous love and affection, you must become able to commune with your children and understand them. You must try to see how the children think and how they ae looking at things. You should not impose your realities in a very harsh manner.

The Law of Karma can cause great differences among children in the same family. Children born of the same parents may be in totally different levels of evolution. Some children have the potentiality of becoming very great in a particular field while others do not. Parents with insight will be able to guide their children according to their potential and their state of evolution, encouraging them to unfold all their inner talents and resources. Parents should not become upset if the children do not function or develop the way they had excepted, because children have their own right to live and express themselves. They cannot be molded exactly according to the expectations of parents.

The parents attitude towards the children should be to present a healthy environment for growth, just as the sun and the rain provide a proper environment for seeds to grow. If proper circumstance are given in a society where various personalities are needed, everyone will fit in to perform a correct and right function. From Divine point of view no one is smaller, no one is greater. Therefore, parents should not imbalance their affection and lean more towards children who are brighter or more like themselves, and begin to ignore those that are not so bright or express themselves differently than parents had expected.


Thank You to Alex Gray for the "Wonder"full image that tops this blog.


Education of your child's Soul - A Yogic perspective' is a seven part series authored by Swami Jyotirmayananda which was originally published in 'Light of Consciousness-Journal of Spiritual Awakening. Volume 20.

Though the School of Sentient Birth and Krmel Mystery School do not subscribe to any one school of thinking, we are seeded in the knowing that "the subject of educating of children is very vital because the future of mankind-culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime--depends upon
the way the way children (and all peoples) are educated."

Friday, August 5, 2011

Unique Sensitivity of a Child's Mind

Welcome, Thank You for Your Interest in Sentient Birth!

While reading you may encounter an * followed immediately, or shortly after, by an italicized comment in parenthesis. This is simply to introduce a suggestion or inquiry that supports Sentient Birth Consciousness.

Education for your child's Soul, Pt. 4

A child, according to Yoga, has their kleshas, their afflictions, in a dormant state. Because the ego and it's selfishness have not yet developed, there is a unique form of sensitivity that nature has given to a child.

*(this may simply be that children operate from slower brainwave states than most adults)

In practical dealings with children, parent must understand the sensitivity of the child's mind and realize how deeply every experience penetrates that mind. You remember clearly many things from your childhood days while things that happened a few years ago, or only a few days ago are forgotten. The mind of a child is extraordinarily sensitive. Its sensitivity is mystic.

*(at early stages children may not have basic problem solving & thinking capacities but rather feel energy & communication in and through their bodies, often times at a very cellular/soulular level)

Sometimes the child is reflecting even the things that you feel and think. You may be able to conceal many things from other grownup human beings. You can come from your office tense, tired, and filled with explosions within your mind. You can conceal all that when dealing with grownup people, but when you are sitting before children you are sitting before tiny sages. They perceive your inner state though you have not uttered a word. There is a radiation from you and children are more sensitive to that and they imbibe it. So, it is important that adults consider carefully the sensitivity of the mind of a child.

*(perhaps children are accessing information known through Delta brain wave frequency).


*In a Quantum Midwifery retreat in Sedona, AZ I learned that a child is in 'an altered state' until they are around 7 years of age. By 'altered state' I simply refer to the tendency & capacity of children to be navigating slower brain wave states as their default or 'normal' state of being.

In our every day lives, most adults are accessing primarily the frequency of Beta. Beta is our basic ''Get 'er Done'' state of being. However, pregnancy, birth, and parenting are all experiences that give women (and men) access to and practice navigating the spectrum of brain wave states.

I've found that a simple understanding and languaging of the brain wave frequencies allows my clients to more gracefully approach pregnancy, birth, parenting, and partnering....as well as their own personal growth.

The brainwaves of beta, alpha, theta & delta:

Beta - The here and now. Alert. Articulate. List Making. Beta are the brainwaves we use to navigate and negotiate everyday life.

Alpha - Relaxed detached awareness. Day Dreaming. Alpha provides the lucidity and vividness of our imagery. Alpha is considered the 'gateway' between conscious and unconscious.

Theta - Deep meditation. Personal Knowing. Stillness. Theta are the brainwaves produced by the subconscious mind. Theta is where we make our strongest spiritual connection. Theta is also the place where healing most readily enters our being.

Delta - The unconscious mind. Deep restorative sleep. Intuition. Instincts. Delta offers a true sense of inner knowing and psychic awareness. Delta allows us to glean information that isn't available on a conscious level. Provides access to universal psyche. (Whereas Theta provides insights from the depth our our personal experience).

As a conscious parent, how can a reference point to this practical wisdom facilitate a more graceful way of being with your child and yourself?

How can this wisdom assist you in creating a bridge of awareness between self, child, and the larger world?

'Education of your child's Soul - A Yogic perspective' is a seven part series authored by Swami Jyotirmayananda which was originally published in 'Light of Consciousness-Journal of Spiritual Awakening. Volume 20.

Though the School of Sentient Birth and Krmel Mystery School do not subscribe to any one school of thinking, we are seeded in the knowing that "the subject of educating of children is very vital because the future of mankind-culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime--depends upon the way the way children (and all peoples) are educated."

We invite you to join us tomorrow for See Through Your Childs Eyes, part 5 of this 7 part blog series.

You Can Create Peace Today.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Child is A Reflection of the Self; Education for your Childs Soul Pt. 3

As you read you may occasionally encounter an* followed directly or shortly by insights in parenthesis. This is simply for the purpose of posing inquiries that support Sentient Birth Consciousness.

Education for your Child's Soul - Part 3

Why is a child so lovable to the parent? How can a tiny creature weighing just a few pounds capture their hearts, entrance their minds, involve all their energy? Why is it that the moment you see a little cub of a tiger or a lion, or any child of any species, the human mind develops such a sense of tenderness? What is the psychology behind it?

The answer, in brief, is that every human being wants to capture in his consciousness absolute tenderness, absolute beauty and harmony. That, of course, is God, the Divine Self. But since the urge for realizing the Self is very abstract, the complex mind is unable to understand that urge and nature must present various experiences in human life to promote its development. So, when parents love their child, in that love they are trying to capture the love of God. Your child reflects that God, That Divinity in it's simplicity and innocence.

When you understand how your child reflects your aspiration for becoming simple, symbolizing the goal you want to reach in life, you can develop an attitude of adoring the Divine Self in the child. This attitude however, should not interfere with your practical dealings with a child. *You must be able to separate your instinctive love from the objective needs of a child's growth. You should not make the child a tool of your love, nor become attached to and dependent on the form of the child to be happy. If you do so you will stunt their development and not let them grow up as they should. **Rather understand that a child exists as an independent personality and one day will walk out of your life as a bird that has wings will fly out of the nest.


*(As a parent, how have you been able to separate your instinctive love from the objective needs of a child's growth?)

**(How do you, as a parent, navigate the experience of a child existing as an independent personality, yet being such a deep reflection of the YourSelf?)

This seven part series is authored by Swami Jyotirmayanananda and was originally published in Light of Consciousness Journal of Spiritual Awakening.

Though the School of Sentient Birth and Krmel Mystery School are not affiliated with any one school of thought, we are seeded in the knowing that "the subject of educating children is very vital because the future of mankind-culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime--depends upon the way children (and all peoples) are educated."

Please join us tomorrow for the Unique Sensitivity of a Child's Mind. Part 4 of the 7 post blog series "Education for Your Child's Soul - A Yogic Perspective".

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Karmic Relationship/Part two of Education for your Childs Soul

Education for Your Childs Soul - A Yogic Perspective, Part 2

Today we enjoy part 2 of a 7 blog series which invites the exploration of Soul Level Education for our children, and ourselves, based on Yogic thought.

Though Krmel Mystery School and the School of Sentient Birth are not affiliated with any one school of thought, we are seeded in the deep knowing that 'the education of children is very vital because the future of mankind - culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime depends upon the way children (and all peoples) are educated.'

These writings were originally featured in 'Light of Consciousness; Journal of Spiritual Awakening' Vol. 20 and are written by Swami Jyotirmayananda.

As you are reading you will occasionally encounter an * followed either directly or soon after by sharings in parenthesis. This is simply for the purpose of sharing a thought or posing an inquiry that is applicable to Sentient Birth Consciousness.

Education of your Childs Soul Part 2:

Firstly one must have the philosophical understanding that children are spirits in the process of repeated embodiment and it is on the basis of the Law of Karma that parents draw certain souls within their family. So, a child's coming to a home is not an accidental development. It is backed up by a law. The spirit of the child needs an environment that will fulfill the demands of its karma. Accordingly, the parents have been arranged by nature's laws. So in a way the child is the (parent of the adult). It is (s)he who selected the parents through whom (s)he is born.

*According to Yogic thought, a child is learning even when (s)he is within the mother's womb. Even then the child is receiving impressions. So in Yogic culture a mother with child is given an abundance of good association, satsanga. She is careful about where she goes, the thoughts she entertains in her mind, even the pictures she sees. Parents can mold their children through the environment of impressions.

On the other hand, you must realize you are not creating the child. The child has been drawn to you on the basis of karma. Whatever you do is in the fitness of the karmic law. At the same time this does not imply that you simply relax and follow your whims in the name of the Law of Karma. **


*(Are a child's environment and belief systems being set up as early as preconception?)

**(This feels like a Self Mastery piece. As a conscious parent, how does one discover and honor their child's unique life path & cultivate an environment that supports their child's karmic journey appropriately?)

Join us tomorrow for Education for Your Childs Soul - Part 3

We appreciate your comments and insights. Feel free to participate by sharing a comment here, or by forwarding this blog series to interested peers.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Education for Your Childs Soul * Part One

My name is Grace and I am the director of the School of Sentient Birth at Krmel Mystery School.

I am extremely interested in the threads of experience that weave the tapestry of who I am becoming. Having followed event threads back to my conception and birth stories I have gained tremendous insight and deep commitment to gather & share information which supports & inspires more loving and conscious birth environments.

Krmel Mystery School & the School of Sentient Birth are seeded in a deep understanding that 'the education of children is very vital because the future of mankind-culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime-depends upon the way children (and all peoples) are educated.'

We, you and I, are more than the physical human aspects we present to one another. In truth we are limitless creation energy vibrating at frequencies which align with our current state of consciousness. We are collectively creating according to our personal beliefs in every given moment. Even in utero we are becoming that which we are lead to believe is possible.

Perhaps we begin communicating 'what is so' to one another even before physical conception. To see ourselves, the children being born, and each other as Soul or Source Energy may allow us to inspire one another with the remembrance of who we are....who we really really are.

Education and in.formation is happening at every stage of life.

The following article (which Sentient Birth will share in 6 short readable parts) was written by Swami Jyotirmayananda and featured in Light Consciousness; Journal of Spiritual Awakening. Vol. 20. It lends insight to the importance of our birth environments by addressing the level and continuum of consciousness we cultivate and share with our children throughout their lives.

As you are reading you will occasionally encounter an * followed by impressions in parenthesis. This is simply for the purpose of sharing a thought or posing an inquiry that is applicable to Sentient Birth consciousness. Enjoy!


Part 1
Educating Children

The subject of educating children is very vital because the future of mankind-culture, tradition, religion, all that is good and sublime-depends upon the way children are educated. Children grow up into adults and adults again become children in the process of karmic movement and its continuous cycles of birth and death.

Further, the test of a great culture is the art with which children are educated. If children stay frustrated in a society, if they undergo mental torture *(medical models of birthing), if they are not given normal circumstances for higher development and for understanding what is good and evil, then such a society is in a state of degradation. It is important therefore, to understand what type of attitudes parents must evolve toward their children, towards themselves, and towards their mutual education.


*Do you feel that in some cases the medical model of birthing may be considered mental torture, especially when one takes into consideration the highly sensitive level of consciousness that is the state of most new born babies? It's possible that much of what is considered 'procedure' in hospital births may actually be terrifying (and not necessary) for a newly born infant to experience. A very common example this is the physical separation of a newborn child from it's mother/parents for the purpose of testing or resting.

Sentient Birth appreciates your comments and insights. Feel free to contribute by sharing a comment here or offering this blog post to others who may be interested.

See tomorrows School for Sentient Birth blog to read:
Part 2

Friday, July 22, 2011

Natural Birth. Our Most Deeply Trusted Ally.

Trust Birth.

Birth is the one experience that all humans alive on the planet today share in common.

Whether or not we give conscious acknowledgment to this...every person has an experience of and reference point to Birth.

Given that birth is the passage and portal through which each one of us arrived, it is curios to explore why, in general, we culturally fear Birth and mistrust our ability to deliver.

Where does this fear come from?

There seems to be a need in our society to control that which we do not understand. We see this with sexual energy, the flow of money, the process of birth, and in relationship to emotional expression.
Something unexplainable and utterly power.full is available to us through Birth.

Women know this, and they are interested. To agree to giving birth is to claim a willingness to dance within the mystery, to enter the space between the worlds where everything is possible.
To give birth is to access altered states of consciousness, wherein that which is unexplainable lives beyond the need for explanation.

Ask yourself...
Where do babies come from?

Really. Where DO babies come from?

“The Sex Energy in Human beings is an even greater energy than electricity. The sex energy in human beings is an even greater energy than atomic energy….an atom of human sex energy creates a new life. A new person!” -Osho; Sex Matters
Ina May Gaskin continually reminds us that “The energy that got the baby in is the same energy that gets the baby out.” Birth does not stand alone. It is the continuum of creation energy constantly manifesting life. Somewhere near 300,000 babies are being born on the planet in every moment.

When given heartfelt consideration, one might find it mind blowing that we daily live side by side with conception, pregnancy, and birth, yet at large, we struggle to place infinite trust in our profound capacity as Co.creators AND the time proven presence of natural Birth to bring life fully into being. Yet here we are.
In truth, it has been a very short amount of time that Birth has been presented as a ‘medical procedure’. Hospital births began gaining popularity in the 1930’s. That’s only 81 years!

Humanity has been in Co.creation with natural Birth for hundreds of thousands of years; according to Wikipedia the common ancestor of all modern humans was in existence over 200,000 years ago. We are simultaneously creating and being created by our reality and our life in all moments. Rather than normalizing the miracle of conception and medicalizing the miracle of birth imagine (image in) approaching birth as a deeply trusted ally. A friend with whom you have traveled the most profound of roads. A friend who has not only been with YOU on the most sacred of journeys…but has also been with every living creature on the planet at the most poignant time of their existence. What might One learn from ‘sitting at the feet’ of Birth undisturbed?


Sunday, July 17, 2011

What is Sentient Birth?


Sentient Birth:Sentient Birth is a healing edge approach to Conception, Pregnancy, Birth and Life. Our guided emphasis is to honor the Soul Purpose of every Being born.

The heightened emotional state of pregnancy is no accident, but an opportunity to access the incredible well of creation energy living inside of you. Pregnancy is the perfect time to commit to your greater soul growth as everything naturally arises to be felt, acknowledged and explored, in essence… purified.

Offering an experiential understanding of Creation Energy, Vibrational Set Point and the path of Self Mastery, Sentient Birth inspires, educates, and supports families to create an empowered and positive experience of birth.

Sentient Birth consciousness minimizes the trauma of the birth experience, and maximizes the healing potential of ‘the birthmosphere’. We share simple yet potent tools for self development, and nurture inner ease in the process of Personal Growth and Conscious Co.Creation.

School of Sentient Birth Offerings:

  • Spirit Coaching® for Individuals, Couples and for Sentient Birth 
  • Sentient Birth Doula Services
  • Energetics of Birth - A New Paradigm in Childbirth Education
  • Intuitive Readings and Healings
  • Wombsong Healing™ Sessions
More Info on Sentient Birth Offerings: http://www.krmel.org/sb/SentientBirth.html