Monday, March 26, 2012

Video Blog - Palpating an Unborn Baby - Can you FEEL it?

 Palpation w/ Itiyopiya Ewart ~ twins!!

"Touch is the first language we speak.."

Though routine and very socially encouraged in our modern day culture, many women and families chose not to participate in routine ultrasound and Doppler diagnosis.  
How then can they be certain that their babies are OK and that things are progressing as 'normal'?  Often a mother will assure you that she just knows, and she does.

"Touch is the first language we speak.  Most mothers have talked touch with their unborn babies by poking and patting them when they kick inside their bellies." -Ina May Gaskin

The simple art of palpation can speak volumes to a parent, midwife, or birth caregiver.  

Through well practiced palpation we can:

  • discover if a woman is carrying more that one child
  • understand the baby or babies positioning
  • determine how 'far along' (estimated date of birth) a mother is by measuring her fundal height 
  • and listen to the babies heart tones
Regardless of how a self directed family choses to utilize todays technology in support of their pregnancy, palpation is a wonderful way for a woman and family to connect with their unborn baby.  As well, for many women, this is a sweet time of getting to receive nurturing touch while affirming what they might be sensing or wondering about in regard to their babies position, well being and size.

A woman, her partner, and children can easily learn and practice the art of palpation.  This is a wonderful experience for a midwife/caregiver and families to share together.

I've included a video of a simple palpation sequence that one can practice. I filmed this at La Matrona, the midwifery program I am currently immersed in. My teacher Whapio Diane Bartlett, shown here, is the also the Director of La Matrona and a previously practicing Independent Midwife of 30 plus years.  

Thank you Whapio.


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